Olivier GABRIEL — Data Scientist

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About me

My CV is available in French here. After joining the École Polytechnique in 2003, I defended my PhD thesis on September 27th 2011 at the université Paris 7.

Prior international experience include working at the universities of Copenhagen (Denmark), Glasgow (Scotland) and Göttingen (Germany).

These different environments gave me very concrete work experience in multicultural settings. Besides, I had to communicate my findings in English (mostly) and in French (occasionally), giving clear and precise accounts of my results in written and oral forms.

My work as a scientist also gave me plenty of opportunities to learn quickly about new advanced topics.

Personal projects

Work on different personal projects gave me experience in Java and Python – see my personal space on GitHub. Here is a brief description of a few of these projects:

  • Accelerating and improving selection of students' applications

    This is a long term project in relation with selecting the best applications, for a bachelor degree at a Parisian university. So far, I have worked on two aspects:

    • Applications processing:
      • Automatic extraction of applications details,
      • computation of a mark from these details...
      • ... starting with a csv file.
    • Applications storage:
      • Interface for a database storing the details of the applicants,
      • with the goal of using this data to improve the selection process.

    These two aspects correspond to two pieces of software (a Python script and a Java program), both available on GitHub.

    The particulars of this project involve:

    • Heterogeneous data:
      • many special cases,
      • need to choose between automatic and manual treatment.
    • Results:
      • saved dozens of hours for the professors involved in the selection process,
      • review and update of election criterions.
    • Lessons learned: understanding the needs and working in close association with the sponsor of the project.
  • Personal finance software

    This is a Java program created to follow and manage investments using a SQL database. The source code is available on GitHub. It is currently in a fairly stable state, yet I still occasionally update and improve it.

    • Conception and implementation of a database (PostgreSQL) and its interface (Java).
    • Monitoring of several accounts, online quotation update.
    • Warning system on quotations (virtual order book).

    Lessons learned from the project:

    • Work with a SQL database.
    • Concrete work with Java and design patterns.
    • Scraping directly from quotation websites.

As a former researcher in Mathematics, I keep an ORCID ID 0000-0002-1469-6809 and a previous website.

Last update: 2017.8.7 by Olivier Gabriel