- Olivier GABRIEL
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5
Office 04.2.07
2100 København Ø, Denmark
Telephone: (+45) 60 73 44 56
E-mail: olivier.gabriel.geom@gmail.com
Research Interests
My work is centered around operator algebras and noncommutative geometry. I am also interested in applications of these techniques to Physics. My previous and on-going work has led me to consider:
- C*-algebras and K-theory.
- Cyclic cohomology, spectral triples and "smooth" algebras.
- Compact quantum groups and noncommutative principal bundles.
- Rieffel deformations.
About me
My CV is available in English here and in French there. It includes a full list of publications and a (fairly thorough) list of talks I gave and conferences I attended. After joining the École Polytechnique in 2003, I spent a few months in Oslo in 2006, while working on a joint Master degree from the université Paris Sud (Orsay) and the École Polytechnique in Analysis, Arithmetics and Geometry (awarded in 2008).
I defended my PhD thesis on September 27th 2011 at the université Paris 7 under the joint supervision of Andrzej ZUK and Emmanuel GERMAIN. It is entitled Cyclic Cohomology for Smooth Generalized Crossed Products.
I started working at the university of Copenhagen in September 2015, where my "mentor" is R. Nest.
Between September 2014 and August 2015, I was working in the analysis group and especially with C. Voigt.
From 2011 to 2014, I worked as a post-doc in the Mathematisches Institut in Göttingen. There I collaborated in particular with D. Bahns and R. Meyer.